Saturday 28 September 2013

Belinda and Olive Tree Providores

What initially drew you in to the world that is now known as Olive Tree Providores

I decided my passion for food and healthy lifestyle could also be a business that supported local farmers.

Olive oil also has amazing health benefits and Australia produces some of the world's best, so Olive Oil Providores was born out of a love of local food and a boredom with the conventional corporate business principles.

Why markets?

Because they are the best place to meet our customers and build a relationship with them.  I also detest the major supermarket manipulation of local farmers and growers, so I was keen to support an alternate place for growers to sell and market their produce.

Obviously market shoppers attend for varying reasons including promoting the Buy Australian mantra.  What other ways do you think this message can be given either overtly or by other means

We should encourage our friends and family to shop from sustainable and environmentally sound sources.  Big corporate supermarkets are none of those.  We simply have to encourage everyone we (personally) know to shop locally for fresh healthy food and by doing that we automatically help farmers build and maintain a sustainable business.

The more we enthuse the principle, the more it will happen and the more we protect our environment.

Do you have any new additions on the horizon that we can look forward to

Yes, we are about to launch a whole new range which we are very excited about which should be ready by Christmas.  The new range takes the "shop local" to an  entirely new stay tuned!!!!

it ain't new but it's so yummy we simply could not NOT include it

What 5 words would you use to encourage conversion to not only organic but more importantly to buy Australian

Future proofing a sustainable future for all  (a little more than 5 words) plus it's a fantastic place to meet really friendly people!


And on that note we thank Belinda, not only for having an amazing range of oils, soaps and dukka each week at market, but more importantly her determination to encourage everyone (and by that we mean everyone!) to shop and buy local 

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