Saturday 8 June 2013

5 Questions with Vince's Veggies

How long has Vince's Veggies been part of the Frenchs Forest Market Community?

Truth be told, the stand was originally my great uncle's (Domenico Polito). I'm not sure exactly when he first started but I think it was about 8 or 9 years ago.

My grandfather Vincenzo and his brother Domenico used to have a couple of stands at Paddy's Market in Haymarket for many years.  When my grandmother passed away in 2006, my grandfather and his brother sold the stands and my great uncle (Dom) went looking for something closer to home to keep him busy.

It wasn't long before my Uncle Dom convinced my grandfather Vincenzo to once again join forces at Frenchs Forest Markets.  My uncle had his side and my grandfather had his.  The name "Vince's Veggies" came in to play when my cousin (John-Paul) was at uni and had to do an assignment on Marketing and chose to focus on my grandfather (Nonno).

He had to make a Facebook page and show some pictures of the garden and what we were growing.  Once the page was created, my cousin rang me up to ask if I could send out a few requests to friends and family to get the numbers up.

Overnight "Vince's Veggies" got over 100 likes and that was the start of all the marketing: we now have t-shirts, hats and banners.  When people come in we do not want them to forget my great-uncle Domenico as he is just as important as my Nonno.

You personally have been part of markets virtually since day one (albeit by family ties).  What changes have you noticed in the way people shop?

For as long as I can remember, I have always helped my grandparents out with the markets and gardening. For me growing up it was quite normal.  "Doesn't everyone have goats, chickens and a huge shed of manure in their backyard?".

I find the customers we have enjoy our fresh produce, love the fact that it doesn't have to come in a shiny box with beautiful ticket prices.

It's about good quality and a friendly smile.  My Nonno is notorious for dropping in a few extra goodies in your shopping trolley or bag when you walk out.  He never misses a Sunday!  In his words "if you miss a Sunday and the people don't see you here you let them down"

What has been one of the high points of being a marketeer and working alongside your Nonno?

My Nonno is my hero, my best friend, my boss.  Everything I have learned has come from the hands of him.

Nobody likes waking up at the crack of dawn on a Sunday and there have been many times I have contemplated staying in bed.  But I look back now and have no regrets of working alongside the great man.

He would always get there early and take his time unloading the van and by the time I arrived he had done most of the hard yard.

After about 20 minutes of work he told me to sit down and have something to eat.  

One of the highlights of my morning was sitting down with him (Nonno), my cousin David and late Uncle Domenico and having a home-made salami and cheese sandwich.

My Nonno didn't have formal education but he is street-smart and knew what he had to do to provide for his family.  EVERYTHING he does is for his family.

Being a marketeer is a great feeling and also working with so many great stallies makes it that much better.

What is it about Vince's Veggies that makes it such a drawcard for punters?

Just try our produce once and you will see the quality.  We have a strong clientele base and our customers are regulars.  We even have clients telephone during the week to make sure we put something aside for them on Sundays.

All you have to do is ask anyone around the Markets if they know Vince and they will absolutely confirm that they do!

In 5 words, why should people come to Frenchs Forest Market and make it part of their Sunday routine?

You are crazy not to go to this amazing market. The people, the stallholders, the vibe...there is a buzz there on a Sunday and the overall mood of EVERYONE is great: from kids being pushed around by their parents to the parents being pushed around by their kids.  We love it!!

What more can we say.  We thank Simon for sharing a part of his, his Nonno's and his extended family's sharing of our markets. 

You all are truly special people and we hold you very very dearly in our hearts

We would also like to thank Brad & Bex for allowing us to include their little vid on Vince!

1 comment:

  1. I have known Vince for a few years. Always has a story. Always self-effacing but most of all he always always always treats me like a family member!
